Candiru - Discord RAT

The Candiru Project
I’m creating a discord bot that can do a lot of fun things. So far it can:
- View messages
- Send messages
- Send private messages
- Receive private messages
- View all server members
- Kick members
- Ban members
- Change members nickname
- View all channels
- Add lobsters to the last x posts
- Remove lobsters from the last x posts
- List all commands
- Swap selected server by reacting to a post
- Manage user roles
- Only communicate with bot owner
And it can do all of that from private messages to the bot This bot also utilizes discord buttons to make it user friendly.
How It Started:
This bot was made to answer the big question all security enthusiasts constantly ask:
Can I do it?
The answer ended up being yes.
How Is The Bot Used?
This bot currently sits on my own server and is used for logging and remote administration. I have no intent to ever use it on a server that I do not own. The development of this bot is publicly tracked on the server it is a part of.
Can I have a copy?
Hell no. I do not intend to ever make this bot public because it can easily be converted into spyware.
Can I See The Bot?
Yes, you can look but no touching. Screenshots on the bot can be found on the trello board below.
Stay Posted on development
All my work on this project is tracked on the trello board: Trello