The author is in no way responsible for any illegal use of this software/reference. It is provided purely as an educational proof of concept. I am also not responsible for any damages or mishaps that may happen in the course of using this software/reference. Use at your own risk.
Nmap is a very useful and effective port-scanner / network enumeration tool. Here are some fun things you can do with it:
Port Scans
Aggressive Scan a single port
nmap -p<port> -A <ip>
Syn Scan for all open ports
nmap -p- -sS <ip>
Fuck you tell me scan
nmap -p- -v -T4 <ip>
SMB Enumeration
nmap -p445 --script=smb-enum-shares.nse,smb-enum-users.nse <ip>
RPC Enumeration
nmap -p111 --script=nds-la,nfs-statfs,nfs-showmount <ip>
Host Discovery (ping sweep)
nmap -sn <ip>/<cidr>